Let’s bring creative back to center stage.
DoorDash Gaming
When DoorDash approached our agency with the goal of moving further into the gaming market as well as capitalize on their partnership with the FaZe Clan, I wrote, developed, and produced the following TVC spots for air across YouTube, Twitch, and broadcast channels.
“Hideaway” - DoorDash
Director: Tom Day
Concept and Script: Eric Fischman
Executive Producer: Eric Fischman
Agency: OS Studios
Stay In Your Game | Anthony Kongphan and DeejayKnight
Concept and Script: Eric Fischman
Agency: OS Studios
Client: DoorDash
“Rapid Recharge” - DoorDash
Director: Tom Day
Concept and Script: Eric Fischman
Executive Producer: Eric Fischman
Agency: OS Studios
Stay In Your Game - BigCheese and CausticPhoenix
Concept and Script: Eric Fischman
Agency: OS Studios
Client: DoorDash
Overwatch League Viewership Incentives
When the Activision Blizzard Esports Marketing teams needed creative campaigns for Overwatch League viewership rewards, “off the wall” wasn’t far off enough. The Overwatch League audience, all too familiar with memes and internet culture, needed a campaign that spoke directly to them.
Armed with only with stock footage, some VO talent, and a dream, we set out to create funny and engaging campaigns to build awareness of OWL Viewership Incentives as well as educate on how to connect a Battle.net account to a YouTube account.
Break out the pudding or turkey legs and enjoy!